Seminar by Mr. Azad Chauhan, Vizag Steel Plant

"This guy is really great yar..!" said one of the indo american campus students after the guest lecture given by Mr. Azad Chauhan, an engineer from Vizag Steel Plant. The seminar was organised at the Campus on 23rd Nov'2011 for the Engineering students as an extension lecture win Pysics to cover theory of Light, Lasers, X-rays and their applications like non-destructive testing.
Mr. Azad is a B.Tech from NIT, Nagpur and was selected in the all India test conducted by Vizag Steel for Engineers. He explained many hidden concepts not covered in the syllabus on the said topics. He was very practical, has good flow and communication skills though he comes from Hindi medium background. This was a message for all the students of Hindi medium and Telugu students who have fears of language and English phobia. The students expressed their happiness about such a person coming to the campus to meet them and as a young man he was quite reachable to the young students. They could indeed make friends with the gueat in no time.
The campus director Dr.Venkat Barla helped to clarify many doubts of the students and said "Mr. Azad has brought azadi to our many concepts in physics today" .. we really enjoyed his lecture and we request him to come again.
Students gave vote of thanks at the end, in appreciation of the lecture and its usefulness to their studies.