Via Veritas Vita Center for Human Evolution

Our Via Veritas Vita Center strongly functions around the truth that life is not possible without evolution. We all aim at evolving into complete human beings at every point in our lives. Hence the important trait of any successful human being would be to maintain the gift of god that is the life present in the mind and soul in perfect shape.The Siddha Samadhi Yoga Organization of Pujya Rushi Prabhakarji is actively engaged in helping our students in enriching their spiritual health.
Instruction on pranayama, yogasana, transcendental meditation and pranic healing is offered in an effective manner in the campus that would enable our students to generate positive energy from within and counter all the negative forces around them. The Center has been working diligently to help our students develop a sense of confidence about their own self and to nurture a deep sense of internal awakening in them that sets them apart from the rest.